Thursday 21 October 2010

How is disability represented in this clip?

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In the beginning of the clip, there is an establishing shot looking through some barbed wire which shows connotations of being in the army, and being kept imprisoned. There are also many over the shoulder and close up shots, they have deliberately filmed it this way to keep the focus of the audience on the man’s face which has been severely burnt. As he approaches a woman and her sons, the shot is a point of view shot; this makes him seem threatening and feels like he is sneaking up on them.
                Music in the clip is very loud and tense while people he is walking past are staring at him, the camera is close to each of their faces, keeping focus on both expressions and his disability. As he leaves the first scene, he swears, making him seem loud, angry and like an outcast. People’s reactions to the man’s face emphasise the injury as people stare and one woman screams. When the man goes back to his previous job to see if he can get it back, he is offered minimum wage, although his injury would have no effect on his work, he is being discriminated against because of his injury. While he is asking about getting a job, the other man he is talking to fiddles with the newspaper in his hands to avoid looking at his face and his face looks relieved when he talks to someone else, this puts an emphasis on him being an outcast.

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