Wednesday 6 October 2010

Drama and Representation

1) Using your knowledge of the terms we have looked at in lessons (for shot type, camera angle and editing), look at some clips on YouTube, 4oD, or BBC iPlayer and make a short analysis of them.

Skins - Series 2, Episode 1  , First 5 minutes
Synopsis: 'Maxxie is looking after Tony, but he has his own problems. He desperately wants to leave college and follow his dream to become a dancer, but his dad Walter (Bill Bailey) is giving him hell about it.'

Camera shots and angles
  • establishing shot
  • mid shot
  • over the shoulder shot
  • close up
  • point of view shot


  • jump cut 
  • cross fade
  • action match
  • pan across


  • diegetic sound - music they dance to, bus horn and engine, 
  • non diegetic sound - music (sound track)
  • ambient sound - traffice driving past
  • sound bridge - music crosses over from different scenes
Mise en scene
  • Location -varies from, church, street, Maxxie's house

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