Wednesday 17 November 2010

Skins: discuss how youth is represented in this clip

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After watching the above clip of Skins, it can be said that youth is represented in many ways throughout the clip, through camera angles, editing, sound and mis en scene. The clip begins with an establishing shot of the manor where a party is being held, the viewer may think that the people that live there will be wealthy adults living there, but it is juxtaposed with litter and mess made by teenagers having a party. This makes the youths in the clip seem irresponsible as they are drinking excess alcohol and talking about taking drugs. When Cassie and Sid are on the trampoline outside, they are away from the chaotic party in quite a childlike situation, the shots are close up of their faces and them holding hands which makes them seem innocent, in contrast to the opening of that scene, a tracking shot through the bushes, making the audience jump to a conclusion of what 'typical teenagers' do at parties. The clip cuts backwards and forwards from hectic party to peaceful trampoline contrasting between immature and innocent. Music from the party can be heard outside, along with crashing, screaming from the youths. Bob Marley/Reggae music is played at the party when Chris, Maxxie and Anwar enter, the song references drug taking and alcohol. Chris calls himself the 'monkey man' fitting with the lyrics of the song. Rock music changes atmosphere as people start to fight making the scene darker, but the fighting makes the youths seem reckless and immature. The dialogue throughout the clip draws attention to teenage problems such as eating disorder and drug use and the audience can notice that although Cassie is the quietest character there, she has the most problems. When Chris enters he has very dirty trainers and clothing, like a young boy. The camera shot is a close up of his shoes which highlights the lack of respect and responsibility some teenagers have. A fight breaks out between the more mature characters that want the house kept clean and the more immature teenagers that have been drinking alcohol and taking drugs, and also, the helium balloons featured at the party clash with the alcohol and stealing that takes place, again establishing a lack of control and role models.

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