Wednesday 16 February 2011

Representation of Age in 'White Girl'

Thorughout the clip we follow a young girl around the age of 13. It begins with an establishing shot of a sunny, grassy area creating an emphasis on the innocence of the girl riding her bike that she is far too old for, as though she is clinging onto her childhood. The camera is close up to elements of the bike, putting an emphasis on the fact that it is pink and too small for her. The cuts are quick and jumpy as the camera is not static, making it seem as though the audience are riding along with her. When the girl stops at the chip shop, editing is used to creat quick cuts, putting emphasis on the fact that although she is dealing drugs at a young age, it is nothing out of the norm for her and she just continues on as if it didn't matter, which makes her appear less innocent. The camera is positioned in a way that only allows the top of her head to be seen, making the audience to see how short she is, which would connote innocence however, this is followed by her dealing drugs and so contrasts the previous innocent and childlike image. When she arrives at the block of flats, and a feathered pillow is thrown out of the window, the camera looks up at the white feathers as they float around her signifying her youth and contrasting the dark and dingy building in which she lives. Her brother and sister are represented as typical children of their age, through mise en scene. The boy carries an 'x box' and the girl carries her toys, these are stereotypical items that a child would have in their possession and they highlight the ages of the characters. When the girl hands the money over to her dad, he says "good girl", this contrasts the drug deal she has just made as the condescending nature of the phrase makes her seem young and innocent. When the family are running away from the father, sound is used to create confusion as it is distorted and echoed, it also creates a sense of panic and the audience empathise with the girl and her family as anticipation is created as we await the father to realise they have left. The girl's older sister is laughing as they drive away from their father however, she is more apprehensive about their leaving, this is shown as she is hugging her dog and crying which makes her seem more vulnerable and as though she is leaving against her own will and as though her mother made the decision for her and her siblings as she is not old enough to decide for herself.

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